Why do an End of Year Production
All Things Dance
04 Nov 2019
This little blog was written the day after our End of Year Production here at Tahnee and The Treehouse Gold Coast. And we always ask ourselves that question.
We go all out, we do two big shows. It’s a huge venture taking 6 months to put together with the last 2 months seeing our team work day and night, 7 days a week.
1000’s of costumes to be designed, music to be cut and sourced, videos to be made and scripts to be written.
We always get to this point and say why, why do we do it.
Well, because we love it! The team here at Tahnee and The Treehouse is full of creativity and this is a chance to let it all out and create to our little hearts content.

And then of course, we do it for the kids.
Dance is about performance. Performance for yourself. And about sharing your performance with others.
The adrenaline that comes from standing on a stage with all those beautiful lights on you, and the thrill of what you are about to do! There is nothing like it.
It is important to nurture a love of dance, and it is equally important to nurture a love of performance.
For us, our production is all about the kids! We don’t care if they stand there and wave to mum in the audience. We don’t care if they dont like the feel of their costumes and want to wear their pyjamas instead (Don’t laugh, this has happened to us)
Because it is about the experience of performing that they will love and remember. Not whether or not they did a perfect routine.
So we give them a platform to have that experience. It is important because we get to create something beautiful, and take them along on that journey with us.
The most common thing we hear after our Show is that parents say to us, “she had soo much fun, she just wants to do it over again, every day!”
And coming from even the most shyest of kids, THAT is why we do an End of Year Production.